Valcke thema 6 Begrippenlijst
Begrippen : Van een constructivistische visie op leren naar het ontwerpen van instructiePC :You can search this list by hitting CTRL + F
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Abstracte leerstijl 261 | |
Abstracte representative E-moderating 287 | |
(zie symbolische representatie) 257-259 | |
Accommodatie 244 | |
Anchored instruction 267, 270-272 | |
Assimilatie 244 | |
Casusmethode 200 | |
Coach/coaching 256-257, 284 e.v. | |
CIS (Concreet, iconic, symbolisch) 257 | |
Cognitief constructivisme 238-240 | |
Cognitieve conflicten 260 | |
Cognitive apprenticeship 273-275 | |
Collaborative learning 278 e.v Experiential learning 259 e.v. | |
Cooperative learning versus collaborative learning 279 | |
Community of practice 265-268 | |
Compensatie 244 | |
Computer Based Collaborative Learning CSCL 282 e.v | |
Computer game 290 | |
Concrete leerstijl 261 | |
Concrete representatie 249, 257 | |
Constructionisme 256 | |
Constructivisme 237 | |
Construeren 241 | |
Context 265, 292 | |
Conversationeel 241 | |
Cross-age peer tutoring 284-288 | |
Cultuur 246, 251 | |
Curriculum scripts 286 | |
Dialectic tension 262 | |
Dialectisch constructivisme 239 | |
Internaliseren 246 | |
Leeromgeving 257, 289, | |
Leerstijl 260-262 | |
Legitimate peripheral participation 266 | |
Living knowledge 248-249 | |
Logisch-wiskundige kennis 243 | |
Logo 289 | |
Manipulatietools 293 | |
Mediation 247 | |
Mindtool 294 | |
Model 252 | |
Modeling/modeleren 284, 296 | |
Nativisme 243 | |
Open leeromgeving OLO 291 | |
Peer tutoring 284-288 | |
Perturbatie 244 | |
Probleemgestuurd ondervv^ijs 297-303 | |
Proj ectondersteuningstools 293 | |
Prompting – 286 | |
Psychological tooi 246 | |
Pumping 286 | |
Reflectieve leerstijl 261 | |
Regulatie 244 | |
Same-age peer tutoring 284-288 | |
Samenwerkend leren 278 e.v | |
Samenwerkingstools/Communicatietools 293 | |
Scaffolding 246, 257, 274, 284, 294 | |
Scientific knowledge 248 | |
Scripting 282 | |
Sharing multiple perspectives 241 | |
Discovery learning 2501 | |
Enactieve representaties 249 | |
Endogeen constructivisme 239 | |
Equilibratie 244 | |
Experiential learning model 259 | |
Experimentele leerstijl 261 | |
Expert 273 | |
Everyday knowledge 247-248 | |
Ervaringscyclus 260 | |
Ervaringsgericht leren 259 e.v. | |
Exogeen constructivisme 239 | |
Externaliseren 246 | |
Facilitator PGO 301 | |
Fysisch-empirische kennis 243 | |
Games 290 | |
Gevalsmethode 299 | |
Groepswerk 278 e.v. | |
Guided practice 251 | |
Hinting 286 | |
Historical inquiry 255 | |
Iconische representaties 249, 257-259 | |
Inerte kennis 265 | |
Informatiebronnen OLO 293 | |
Informatietools 293 | |
Inquiry learning 253 | |
Instructionisme 256 | |
Interactie 250,256 | |
Internal speech 247 | |
Self- en peer-assessment 281 | |
Situated action 264-266 | |
Situated cognition 264-266 | |
Situated learning 264-266 | |
Sociaal constructivisme 238-240, | |
Sociaal-cuturele theorie 245 | |
Sociale kennis 243 | |
Social periphery 266 | |
Social speech 247, 263 | |
Sociale context 265 | |
SOI 294 | |
Spiral curriculum 253 | |
SpHcing 286 | |
Stolen knowledge 266 | |
Student tutoring 288 | |
Summarizing 286 | |
Symbolische representaties 249, 257-259 | |
Taakanalyse 301 | |
Tacit knowledge 273 | |
To start cold 301 | |
Tools OLO 294 | |
Verwerkingstools 293 | |
Tutor/tutoring 284-288 | |
Virtuele bedrijven: mini-ondernemingen, | |
virtual companies 275-278 | |
Webquest 253-254 | |
Zelfontdekkend leren 250 | |
Zevensprong 302 | |
Zone of proximate development 246 |
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